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Carly Barrett
Our Beautiful Samantha, Forever loved, Forever Missed But Never Forgotten. Alison & Stan her Parents gave her a life of love and a life of travel and created many memories to be shared and cherished. As a family of five they traveled to many destinations all around the world, Florida being their favorite. The passion to travel never left Samantha, her life plan was to travel the world. After leaving St Thomas More High School she questioned a career path as an air hostess, she also trialed as a dentistry Nurse but Samantha was always made to be her own boss so her plans were to study Business and in time run her Dads Pub - the Dorset Arms Hotel. Samantha loved nothing more than being surrounded by her family and friends, and many memories, gatherings, and cherished times were spent at the Dorset. Nights and days at her Grandparents' house were precious, too, spent with little sister Carly, big brother Lee, and their little cousin Hannah. Many memories could be told of what they got up to at Grandma Eileens and Grandma Alberts, but the love in Boscombe Drive will forever be remembered. Just 68 days after the birth of her son, she had her first night out with friends. However, the evil on the streets that night brought Samantha to her death. Samantha was brutally stabbed to death by a 15-year-old girl that night, and life has never been the same without her. The design of Samanthas Legacys Logo has a hidden meaning. Samantha's Story is about how the livess of a family can change after such tragic loss and murder. Samanthas Brother Lee also passed away in 2017. Thererfore this hidden message is also a tribute and in loving memory of him. Lee & Samantha had an unbreakable bond and Lee suffered terribly without her by his side. They are now together in each tohers arms. However Samanthas Plans changed for her after leaving school and to much surprise she fell pregnant at the age of 17. Alison and Stan , and the full family were undoubtly shocked but that shock soon turned to excitement as the family watched Samantha grow and glow in her pregnancy. Samantha was always a mature young person but something in her really did shine when she knew she was to become a young mother. With much courage, Samantha’s legacy fight for no other person or family to suffer the pain of losing a loved one to knife crime. Samantha's Mum, Sister & Cousin fight tirelessly to prevent serious violent crime in the North East Region (and beyond if needed). Using their own life experiences, they share Samantha's Story with young people in the hope of changing mindsets but ultimately supporting the prevention of knife crime and saving lives.